10 Useful Tech Tools that Can Make College More Efficient and Fun in 2024

We’re in a world ruled by technology. Today, it’s harder to find a sector or industry not run with modern tech. Education has not been left behind. The introduction of the Educational Management Information System (EMIS) jump-started a process that has seen more and more educational technology tools in the classroom.

It’s not just computers, laptops, smartphones, projectors, and whiteboards, but also more advanced tools like Virtual Reality (VR). While these tools have their downsides, they can improve learning significantly when used effectively in elementary education. Below, we explore 10 examples of Edtech that can improve your college life remarkably.

Useful Tech Tools for Education

Useful Tech Tools for Education

Scholars consider the radio the first technology introduced by educators in the classroom in the 1920s. Since then, tools for education have hit many milestones. Elementary schools, high schools, and colleges have embraced various apps and tools to enhance education.

We can talk of computers, projectors, laptops, whiteboards, and AI, technology has revolutionized teaching and learning. The tools facilitate online classes, interactive learning experiences, virtual labs, and collaborative projects, making education more accessible and engaging for students.

The Importance of Incorporating EdTech Tools Into the Classroom

Before delving into the specific tools for students, it’s important to understand their advantages in education. Below are some significant benefits:

  • Enhanced engagement
  • Personalized learning
  • Access to vast educational resources
  • Enhanced collaboration
  • Immediate feedback
  • Increased productivity
  • Leaning flexibility
  • Provides data-driven insights
  • Cultivation of critical digital skills
  • Real-world simulations that make learning effective and efficient.

Powerful, Affordable, and Efficient Tech Tools

Powerful, Affordable, and Efficient Tech Tools

Now that we’ve explored the history of edtech and its importance in the classroom, let’s delve into what matters the most; the tools! Below, we’ve carefully selected the most critical techs for the average college student looking forward to making their educational journey a breeze. Let’s go!

1. Evernote

We all know how hectic college can be, especially with note-taking. Keeping up with lecturers using tech such as projectors can be difficult. However, with Evernote, you can organize and synchronize your notes across devices, making it easier to study and review. Its closest substitute is OneNote, which comes as a default app for Windows.

2. Trello

This is an amazing technology that can help you manage your time. As a teenager, time often flies, especially because of having so many unnecessary engagements to deal with. It can be hard to track your time to fit in with friends, family, class work, and socializing.

This is where Trello comes in handy. It can help you stay organized by creating to-do lists, setting reminders, and tracking your progress on assignments.

3. Google Drive

This is one of the most popular tech tools for students. It needs no introduction. Students use Google Drive to collaborate with classmates and work simultaneously on documents.They can also share their documents with teachers and other learners. While Microsoft Office 365 can solve the same problems, it’s costly and robust.

4. Amazon Kindle

Since the invention of the Educational Management Information System (EMIS), colleges and educators have taken most learning activities online. Lecturers share most course books on the platform, forcing even the technology-averse students to go online.

This has spiked the demand for eBooks, making retailers such as Amazon quite popular. You can’t go wrong with digital textbooks. So, give Kindle or its alternatives such as Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or NOOK a try.

5. Virtual reality (VR)

VR technology

VR technology is a new thing in education. While its adoption remains low due to cost implications and limited use in induction, we can’t ignore its potential ability to revolutionize the education sector.

Today, high-end institutions use VR tools like Oculus Quest to provide immersive learning experiences for learners. If applied correctly, they can allow you to explore virtual environments and even conduct virtual medical experiments.

6. Duolingo

In this age of international education and travel, it’s vital to have a companion who can help you learn new languages or common phrases to interact with locals. This comes in handy, especially if, for instance, you’re an American transfer student to China.

While many language learning apps have emerged over the last few years, none comes close to Duolingo. The app uses interactive lessons, quizzes, and speaking exercises that speed up your learning process.

7. Forest

stay focused

Have you ever struggled to stay focused when doing your assignments online? you’re not alone. Many students find it hard to focus on other apps such as social media running in the background and popping up all the time.

This is where Forest comes in. If installed as a browser extension, it will help you limit distractions by blocking selected websites or apps during study sessions. By giving you peace of mind, Forest is certainly one of the most important online tools for students.

8. Strava

They say “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” And we agree! While books are important for your future, your physical well-being is critical as well. You must set a time for exercising and staying fit.

Strava is a fitness app that helps stay active by tracking your activities. It also offers guided workouts and motivation to keep you on course to maintaining a healthy lifestyle while juggling college responsibilities.

9. Textero

The introduction of ChatGPT-4 took the world by storm. It offered real-life solutions to various college questions. However, less than a month later, it stopped. This is where Textero comes in. It’s among the best writing tools available today.

It can help you write academic essays in less than two minutes after inputting basic commands. Initially, it only helped with short pieces, but has been upgraded to include longer and more complex papers. AI is still evolving, so you might find some mistakes in the work. If in doubt, forward the paper to CustomWritings for custom essay writing, editing, and proofreading. It’s an established essay writing service you can trust online.

10. Dropbox

This is one of the most revolutionary EdTech tools you’ll ever find. You may be too young to understand the pain of losing a document you’ve been working on for weeks or even months! But that was our experience working without an online backup system. A lost or damaged computer, malware, or a virus could ruin your hard work in seconds. With Dropbox, you can work while saving your document online in real time!

Adopt and Use EdTech to Stay Ahead!

The use of technology in the classroom is no longer a big debate. Most parents, students, and teachers have warmed up to the idea. Nonetheless, not all the tech can make your learning efficient and fun. In this article, we’ve only explored the tools that meet the two conditions. So, if you’re looking around for useful tools for students that improve learning and are fun to use, our list has you covered.